On Friday, April 13th, I was honored to speak with Rush Limbaugh during the last segment of the 22nd EIB Cure-A-Thon, a yearly radiothon for blood cancers.
Due to the extremely generous donations received over the entire weekend, over $3 million was raised this year, a new giving record!
Here's the direct audio feed of my appearance.
Also, an excerpt from the transcript from RushLimbaugh.com:
Here's Brian in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. It's great to have you on the program, sir. Hello.
CALLER: Hi, Rush. Mega dittos from Baton Rouge.
RUSH: Thank you, sir.
CALLER: Hey, I just wanted to thank you for hosting this fundraiser for 22 years. I can't wait to hear the final total.
RUSH: Well, it's gonna be big. It's gonna be really big.
CALLER: I can't wait. I'm gonna get right to the point. I'm a cancer survivor of 27 years. At three years old I was diagnosed with leukemia, acute lymphocytic leukemia, ALL. I was treated at St. Jude in Memphis. I was given two weeks to live, but God had other plans.
RUSH: Two weeks?
CALLER: Two weeks.
RUSH: How old were you?
CALLER: I was three. And I'm 30 now.
RUSH: Wow.
CALLER: And I've had no relapses, and I give glory to my Lord and savior, Jesus Christ. I was pronounced cured by the hospital. Treatment is expensive, and so fundraisers like this are tremendously important. So from all the childhood survivors, I wanted to thank you. Your generosity is just overwhelming, and because of your effort such a difference is being made.
RUSH: Well, I really appreciate that. In fact, you have reminded me the statistics that are involved in the childhood diseases. Brian, thanks much. I congratulate you. You're cured, not just in remission? They pronounced you cured?
CALLER: I went to the hospital once a year 'til I was 18, and at that point they discharged me, and so I've been cured. Back in the eighties, remember, we were the guinea pigs, but treatment has evolved since then because of the research.
RUSH: Yeah, exactly.
CALLER: The survival rates are much higher now.
RUSH: So medicine has given you your life?
CALLER: Yes. And God's healing.
RUSH: And I'm sure your faith, all tied together, but medicine has given you your life. Well, Brian, congrats, and thanks for the call. I really appreciate your sentiments, and I'm glad you got through.
I only had so much time to get my point across, but I think Rush wrapped it up nicely at the end.
Thanks to Rush for giving me the opportunity to encourage and share my testimony to your entire listening audience!