Update on Dad
Saturday, June 1 - 6:30pm
Beyond what I can see / Oh beyond what I can see / Though the road's not clear / I will not fear the way He's leading me -- Larnelle Harris
Dad is in much better spirits having visited on Tuesday with Dr. Ventura, who was able to put his mind at ease on certain questions like: "If I am at risk of sudden death, why was I released from the hospital without a life vest?"
Dr. Ventura said that the life really aren't really proven to be reliable, and the only reason cardiologists give them to their patients is to "cover their butts" in case something happens.
He was, however, still adamant that Dad get a pacemaker and was able to bump up the surgery date to June 10th. One big advantage of the pacemaker (besides syncing his bundle branch) is his heart could handle stronger doses of medicines and will allow for better treatment overall.
Amazingly, Dad has a peace about the procedure that passes all understanding, so it must be from the King of Kings. I think he sees it as a way to get on with his life, instead of waiting in limbo for the limited treatments that can only improve his condition so far. The pacemaker is obviously the next step.
He realizes that its much better than the alternatives, but having a foreign object in your chest for someone who's never been sick can be unsettling. He has spoken with people he knows that have pacemakers for assurance.
Prayer point: We prayed that God would make it clear which path to go on, and all signs point to the pacemaker. So, now all eyes are on June 10th. Now we pray that God's grace would prepare Dad as the surgery approaches. We are so grateful to have you along on this journey with us.
Knowing our God's faithfulness, we can rest assured in our belief. Let's follow on beyond what we can see!
Saturday, June 1 - 6:30pm
Beyond what I can see / Oh beyond what I can see / Though the road's not clear / I will not fear the way He's leading me -- Larnelle Harris
Dad is in much better spirits having visited on Tuesday with Dr. Ventura, who was able to put his mind at ease on certain questions like: "If I am at risk of sudden death, why was I released from the hospital without a life vest?"
Dr. Ventura said that the life really aren't really proven to be reliable, and the only reason cardiologists give them to their patients is to "cover their butts" in case something happens.
He was, however, still adamant that Dad get a pacemaker and was able to bump up the surgery date to June 10th. One big advantage of the pacemaker (besides syncing his bundle branch) is his heart could handle stronger doses of medicines and will allow for better treatment overall.
Amazingly, Dad has a peace about the procedure that passes all understanding, so it must be from the King of Kings. I think he sees it as a way to get on with his life, instead of waiting in limbo for the limited treatments that can only improve his condition so far. The pacemaker is obviously the next step.
He realizes that its much better than the alternatives, but having a foreign object in your chest for someone who's never been sick can be unsettling. He has spoken with people he knows that have pacemakers for assurance.
Prayer point: We prayed that God would make it clear which path to go on, and all signs point to the pacemaker. So, now all eyes are on June 10th. Now we pray that God's grace would prepare Dad as the surgery approaches. We are so grateful to have you along on this journey with us.
Knowing our God's faithfulness, we can rest assured in our belief. Let's follow on beyond what we can see!