There are really no words in the English vocabulary to accurately do justice in describing Larnelle Live, but I'll try.
These songs have been ingrained into me from the time I was 4 years old, and now 25 years later they are still just as inspired and anointed. Every song during the "classic hits" medley was like running into old friends, some that I haven't seen in years.
How are you, I Can Begin Again? Good to see you, In It After All! What have you been up to, Friends In High Places? I missed you, I Miss My Time With You.
What an awesome journey down memory lane with Steve Green and the vocals of Steve Amerson were inspiring!
And what can be said of the incomparable Sandi Patty? Before the foundation of the world, God decided He would bring the two of you together to vocally craft I've Just Seen Jesus into the greatest musical account of His Son's resurrection in history. Your chemistry together is no coincidence. And my heart smiles to see you both reunited on this stage tonight, performing the song as if it were the first time.
Thank you, Larnelle, for a soul sweeping journey through your decorated music career, and the ministry that God has so mightily blessed you with. Thank you for being faithful to Him and His calling on your life.
It was a night that was not just wonderful, but More Than Wonderful!